电动方程式锦标赛(Formula E)是一个彻底环保的赛事,这不仅体现在纯电动的赛车,更体现在所有和赛事相关的细节:赛车使用的是一种从玉米芯中提取的生物燃料发...
10月初,捷豹史上首款全电动赛车I-TYPE 1首次亮相Formula E(国际汽联电动方程式锦标赛)是捷豹品牌的小试牛刀,也是向世界宣告捷豹路虎在电动车领域做好了准备。
FIA Formula E 国际汽联电动方程式锦标赛 ; 国际汽联电动方程式 ; 锦标赛 ; 电动方程式
FIA Formula E Championship 国际汽联电动方程式锦标赛 ; 电动方程式锦标赛 ; 国际汽联电动方程式世界锦标赛 ; 国际汽车联合会电动方程式锦标赛
Formula E Holdings 电动方程式控股公司
Venturi Formula E Team 文图里电动方程式车队 ; 文图瑞
Super Aguri Formula E Team 超级亚久里电动方程式车队
China Racing Formula E Team 中国国家队
Mahindra Racing Formula E Team 龙电动方程式车队 ; 马恒达电动方程式车队
Dragon Racing Formula E Team 龙电动方程式车队
Virgin Racing Formula E Team 维珍电动方程式车队
以上来源于: WordNet
As the crowd dispersed, Penske said to me: "Ultimately, Formula E would be an interesting way to get into the public market."
Penske told me that his team had met with Faraday Future, but quickly added that it has also talked to many other major automakers about adding cars to Formula e.
"Considered in isolation, these perchlorate concentrations in formula are not concerning for child health," Sathyanarayana wrote in an E-mail to ABC News.
It's a famous formula, which is due to Gauss again.
公式如下f =,times e to minus . 这是个很著名的公式,还是来自高斯